Thursday, November 14, 2013

Hi everyone!

Hello and welcome to my blog.  Blogs have been all the rage for awhile, and of course now that they're old news is when I'm jumping on the bandwagon.

But since I listen to a lot of music, I thought it's about time that i catalogue my opinions on the albums to which I listen, so that you all may understand how much more I like music than you, and how your opinions are wrong, so listen to mine.

I like a lot of music, pretty much every style.  I particularly enjoy hybrids of reggae and rock music (punk reggae, electro rock...and of course reggae rock).  I started out early in life listening to country, and of lately have even come to appreciate certain hip hop acts.  So a lot of the albums I review probably won't have very negative reviews.  Instead, I hope to compare albums to other stuff you might have heard, so that you can use that to decide if it's something you should check out.

Each entry will have several points:
"The listen to if you like:" section where I describe related stuff and if you like that related stuff, you will probably like what I'm talking about.  Conversely, I will also spell out some stuff that, if you enjoy, will mean you probably won't like this one.  Simple, right?

Then my main description.  This is the part where most of you will simply decide tl:dr.  Most of the time I will try to be funny.  Most of the time I will fail.
I'm also going to try to list some of my biases before starting the album. 

Finally, i'll pull a key song or some key part and highlight it as the best part of whatever I'm talking about.

Then after all that is put up, it is YOUR job to comment!  Don't worry, this isn't one of those pansy 'be nice to everyone' comment sections. Tell me if you disagree and feel free to trash other commentors.

So here least until I get bored with this.

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