Thursday, November 28, 2013

Empire of the Sun - 2 Album Discography

More extravagantly weird music videos!!

Treat your eardrums if you like:
MGMT (or if you're over them)
electronic based pop music
Daft Punk

Cover your earholes if you don't like:
bands with lots of remixes
weird indie rock

I had no preconceived notions for these guys.  I had never even heard of them before they were suggested to me.  I guess if anything, the name sounds a little sci-fiey, so that's cool.  Like maybe from a civilization that lives on the sun and I wondered if they'd have to be plasma people, or pure energy, or just have really badass space suits, because I bet if your imperial palace is on the sun, it's going to be really hot.

My first impression was that this band is a lot like MGMT.  Not only the similar style of synthpop, but the singer's voice is pretty close too.  I'm kind of over MGMT though, so this is a nice change.  Singer Luke Steele has a rather high vocal range and he combines this with different styles of synthesizers for a wide range of singing styles.  Sometimes he'll sing high giving the tune a trancy surreal sound.  Mostly his regular singing voice alternates between a speaking/whispering rock voice and a third singing style reminds me of a modern day David Bowie.  He did some synthpop in the 80's, so it's not too much of a stretch.  These last two singing styles are legible, but when Steele gets all spacey singy, most of what he says is hard to interpret.

Their first album was released in 2008: Walking on a Dream.  The first part of the album sticks to the dream pop side of the synthpop spectrum.  It is slower and melodic.  Steele uses a thicker clear voice for the verses and balances with high pitched choruses.  Definitely something to enjoy if you like listening to music while working or otherwise more focused on something else.
The tone switches midway through the album with several choppy chaotic tracks.  The dream pop style is quickly replaced with an electro rock sound reminiscent of Ghostland Observatory, especially with Steele's corresponding shift in singing style.
Whether you will more enjoy the first part or the second part of this album is entirely dependent on your musical tastes.  Taken altogether, this is one of those albums that gets better the more you listen.  The first time I previewed it without really paying attention, I wasn't sure I'd find much to say.  After a couple more listens, I started to notice the versatility.  And speaking of versatile, if remixes are your thing, Spotify has all of the bonus tracks and remixes.  I usually skip over these, but this is one of those bands where the remixes really add to the songs, so check that out if you like the regular versions.  They add a much heavier electronic element than the low key beats of the original tracks.

Below are two videos, the first is 'We Are the People'.  The tune is driven by an acoustic guitar but still has the electro background.  It is a slower MGMTesque track?  The second I choose specifically for the Ghostland comparison, and after watching the video there was no way I could leave out this weird video.  It has FISH PEOPLE!



The second album, Ice on the Dune, was released in March 2013.  This album is a bit more trancy than the first.  It has a very similar atmosphere as Daft Punks album Random Access Memories, but was released several months earlier. This is especially noticeable in songs like 'Old Flavours' and 'Celebrate'.

I suspect that most of you will enjoy this album more than their first.  It is more polished and flows better than the first.  It doesn't have that sudden shift in the middle, but yet it shows even more diversity.  The Daft Punk sound is countered by the melodic, Bowiesque 'Keep a Watch'.  

Check out the song 'Alive'.  Probably my favorite of all of their songs, and yet another weird music video:

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